
Any question please contact volunteer@tcthunder.ca.

Volunteer Fee

We will be collecting Volunteer fees $100/Family. Once hours are completed the $100 will be refunded.

Volunteer hours can consist of a four hour shift at the concession at Thompson park, Team manager, Coaches, assistant Coaches, raffle coordinator for your team, picture day volunteers, also tournament duties including raking and lining fields but it can't be a one time thing, It has to be a series of rakings and linings during a tournament. Or anything else that might come up during the season ( emails would be sent out asking for help). Regular team games field prep, score keeping, pitch counting is not included.

We ask about 4 hours per family not per child.

We also have many Volunteer positions open like:

  • Events Coordinator
  • Concession Coordinator
  • Tournament Director

Volunteer Opportunities