7U Rally Cap
(Born 2018-2019)
Tuesday & Thursday Evenings
April - June
The 6U/7U Rally Cap program is Baseball Canada’s Official Initiation Program for players aged 6 and 7. Players’ first experiences in baseball should be filled with active and engaging activities that are developmentally appropriate for their age. The Rally Cap program has been designed specifically for young baseball players and aims to
increase interest in baseball.
The goals of the Baseball Canada Rally Cap program are to:
- Create an environment in which children and adults can have fun with baseball.
- Teach baseball skills, rules and strategy to our players.
- Model and teach competitiveness with an emphasis on good sportsmanship.
- Promote increased self-esteem among Rally Cap children and adults.
Players will participate in combined game/practice structured events. Teams will play/practice twice a week combining team play with practice while focusing on the Baseball Canada’s FUNdamentals:
- Throwing
- Base Running
- Receiving
- Hitting
- General Knowledge
The 6U/7U season starts early April and runs until the end-June at the Jamboree
During the season, the teams will be working on the 5 FUNdamentals of baseball.
Equipment: All players receive a jersey and hat to keep from TC Thunder. However, each player will need to supply a glove, protective cup/jill, a batting helmet and running shoes or molded rubber cleats. Grey baseball pants are recommended.
Here are some links to help your child get started with Baseball(7U)!
- More information about the Rally Cap program: Rally Cap Mini-Book (revised 2022)
- Get started now! Check them all out on this Youtube Playlist from Baseball Canada: 7U Drills
- If you’re interested in coaching, check out Baseball BC’s Parent
Leader/Coach Development Manual!
For more information or any questions, please contact the 7U Division coordinator.