Fun Drills and Games

1 - Flip

This is a good one to play before the warm-up.

Video (2 min)


This drill may not necessarily focus on enhancing a player's skills, but it achieves something even more valuable - it fosters a sense of friendly competition and boosts team camaraderie.

If executed correctly, the game will be intense and it will help to energize and unite your players before they step onto the field.


  • Players must only flip the ball using their glove (they can't use their throwing hand).
  • They are not allowed to catch the ball.
  • They can bounce the ball in their glove before flipping it to the next player.
  • The ball must be passed between the next player’s knees and shoulders.
  • Players decide the number of drops or missed throws before a player is out.
  • The last player remaining wins.


2 - Pepper

Over time, this exercise has evolved into a classic with several different versions of gameplay.


The goal is for the batter to hit the ball hard. Combined with the close proximity, it will train the fielders to respond swiftly to a ball coming off the bat.


  • Arrange around 5 to 7 participants in a line, facing a batter approximately 20 feet distant.
  • One of the participants will initiate by throwing the ball to the batter.
  • The batter must strike a solid ground ball or line drive towards the group of fielders.
  • If a participant fumbles the ball when it's hit towards them, that participant is eliminated.
  • The final fielder left standing will be declared the victor and will become the next batter.


3 - Relay Race


This drill will simulate the motions that fielders go through when relaying the ball from the outfield to a base. Players will learn how to line themselves up for a throw and develop quick hands.


  • Split your team into even groups of 4 to 6 based on the size of the field and your players’ throwing abilities.
  • Arrange each group to line up parallel to each other and scatter them across the outfield.
  • Have each group start with the ball on the same end.
  • Turn it into a challenge on which group can relay the ball to the final player and back the quickest.


4 - Base Hit Game


To improve offense and defense abilities in an enjoyable game scenario.


  • Split into two equally balanced teams.
  • One team occupies positions in field and the other team bats.
  • Batting team is given 5 minutes to hit with a defense in position. Batters run on their hits.
  • Batting team acquires 1 point for single, 2 points for double, 3 points for triple, and 4 points for home run.
  • Coach deducts one point for lack of hustle.
  • Team garnering the most points after one or two rounds is the winner.


5 - Barrel Game


To work on hitting the ball hard.


  • Divide into two equally balanced teams.
  • One team takes positions in field and the other team bats.
  • Batting team is given 5 minutes to hit with a defense in position. Batters don't run on their hits.
  • The team scores a point for every ball that is barreled up (hit  hard). It doesn't matter whether the ball is caught or not, or a hit or not. What's important is that it was hit hard.
  • The batter gets to swing again as long as they continue hitting it powerfully. When they mishit the ball, their turn is done and the next batter steps in.
  • The team that gathers the most points "barrels" is the winner.


6 - Two Ball Toss Game


To focus on hand-eye coordination and team-building.


  • Form into small groups with two baseballs per group.
  • One player starts by holding both balls in one hand and throwing the balls underhand to another player in the group.
  • The receiving player must catch the balls in separate hands. Catching against the body is allowed.
  • If the receiving player drops a ball he is eliminated.
  • Last player to not drop balls is the winner.
  • If there's more than one group, have group winners compete each other to determine an overall winner.