Dynamic Warm-Up Exercises

Light Jog (1-2 minutes)

  • To fence and back.
  • Around park.

Dynamic Warm-Up (5 minutes)

  • No gloves.
  • One or two players lead standing out from line where rest of team lines up.
  • Go out for 20 yards and then back to the starting line

Moving Exercises - B.A.S.E.B.A.L.L.

  • B: Forward Skips with BACKWARD Arm Circles
  • A: Backward Skips with Forward ARM circles
  • S: Jumping Jacks SLIDES
  • E: KaraokE
  • B: Side Lunge (BOTH Directions)
  • A: ALTERNATING High Kicks
  • L: Walking LUNGES
  • L: HeeL Up, Knee Up, Toe Up

Standing Exercises - S.T.A.

  • S: SMALL/Big Arm Circles (Forward/Backwards)
  • A: ARM Twists/Swings